Create Your Own Sightseeing Map in Irkutsk, Russia

Creating a self-guided walk to explore Irkutsk is easy. Choose the attractions that interest you the most, and let our software create a walking route based on your selections. Afterward, retrieve your walk in the GPSmyCity app on your mobile device. The app will guide you from one tour stop to the next as if you had a personal tour guide. Our short tutorial video shows the steps needed to create your walk.

Step 1: Select Attractions

Select "Interface" below to select the 'List' or 'Map' interface. Use "Filter Sights" to filter attractions by category. Maximum 20 sights per walk. If you select the 'Map' interface, click a map pin to view the sight information and select the sight.
Filter Sights*:
Alexander Vampilov Theater (Театр Юного Зрителя им. Драматурга Александра Вампилова) (must see)
Barguzin Cinema
Children's World (Магазин "Детский Мир")
Dias Art Gallery
Don Otello Cinema
Epiphany Cathedral (Собор Богоявления Господня) (must see)
Estrada (Клуб-ресторан «Эстрада»)
Gallery of Contemporary Art (Галерея современного искусства «Дом Художника»)
Holy Trinity Church (Свято-Троицкий Храм)
Kazan Cathedral (Казанский собор) (must see)
Kharlampievskaya Church (Харлампиевская Церковь)
Ko­to­fey (Mагазин "Котофей")
Okhlopkov (Академический Драматический Театр им. Н. П. Охлопкова) (must see)
Sapphire Jewelry (Ювелирный Mагазин Сапфир)
Savior Church (Спасская Церковь) (must see)
Sukachev's Mansion (Усадьба Сукачева ) (must see)
Svetlana Bekareva (Авторский Бутик Светланы Бекаревой)
The Church of the Assumption of our Lady (Иркутский римско-католический костёл Успения Богородицы) (must see)
The Circus
The Entrance into Jerusalem Church (Входо-Иерусалимский храм)
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Church (Крестовоздвиженская Церковь) (must see)
The Historical Museum of Irkutsk (Музей Истории Города Иркутска) (must see)
The History Museum (Отдел истории — Иркутский Краеведческий Музей) (must see)
The Holy Prince Vladimir Church (Князе-Владимирский храм)
The Nature Museum (Mу­зей Природы)
The Stork Puppet Theater (Tеатр Kукол «Аистёнок») (must see)
The Zoo Gallery (Зоогалерея)
Transfiguration Church (Спасо-Преображенская Церковь)
Trubetskoy House Museum (Дом-Музей Трубецкого) (must see)
V. Rogal Exhibition Center (Вы­ста­воч­ный Центр им. В.С. Ро­га­ля)
V.P. Sukachev Regional Art Museum (Иркутский областной художественный музей им. В.П.Сукачева)
Volkonsky House Museum (Дом-Mузей Волконских)

Step 2: Select Starting Point

Indicate walk's starting point which can be either one of the selected sights (shown on the map in 'Step 3') or a custom sight of choice, e.g. your hotel or a metro station.
Select One*:
Enter Place Name*:
GPS Coordinates*: Locate the place on map
Choose a Hotel*:
Starting Point*:

Step 3: Create/Update Route

The selected attractions are displayed on the map below.
Your walk is not saved yet. To save it, please proceed to the final 'Step 4' below.

Step 4: Save Your Custom Walk

Enter a name for your custom walk, along with your email address, in the fields below. You will receive the instructions for retrieving your custom walk in the GPSmyCity app by email. The GPSmyCity app offers turn-by-turn travel directions to guide you from one attraction to the next.
Walk Name*: