Frankfurt Shopping Guide: 15 Local Products

Frankfurt Shopping Guide: 15 Local Products, Frankfurt, Germany

Home to the European currency (ECB) and namesake sausages, Frankfurt is undoubtedly one of, if not "the", most known destination in Germany. For this there are quite a few reasons. Listed here are some of the things behind those reasons, which now can be picked up as souvenirs.

The ‘bad’ in Bad Homburg, eight miles from downtown Frankfurt, indicates this is a community that authorities deemed wholesome enough to grant it a spa status. It was the healthy climate that drew the Prince of Wales, future King Edward VII, to Bad Homburg in 1882. While there, he bought a hat that he, and subsequently the rest of the world, would thenceforth refer to as Homburg. A Homburg is a stiff hat made of wool or fur felt with a crease running the length of the crown. The edge of the brim is turned up sharply all the way around, and often topped with trim of the same material as the hatband. The style was rediscovered by hip-hop artists in the 1990s, who gave a ‘bad’ Homburg a whole new meaning. Despite its notoriety, the hat is not widely available. ...... (follow the instructions below for accessing the rest of this article).
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Sights Featured in This Article

Guide Name: Frankfurt Shopping Guide: 15 Local Products
Guide Location: Germany » Frankfurt
Guide Type: Self-guided Walking Tour (Article (B))
Author: Gpsmycity Writer
Read it on Author's Website:
Sight(s) Featured in This Guide:
  • Hutsalon
  • Dippemarkt
  • Hessen Shop
  • Sport Arena
  • Gabler
  • Infoshop
  • Freebase
  • KaufhausHessen
  • Jack Wolfskin store
  • Kleinmarkthalle Frankfurt
  • Struwwelpeter Museum

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