Photo Tour the City of London

Photo Tour the City of London, London, England (B)

I’ve come along way from the timid unsure stay on the path traveler I once was. Not only have I become more brave then I once was, but my overall approach to travel has changed a lot. After years of family and solo travel I’ve finally found just the right combination of togetherness and alone time that allows everyone to get what they need out of our family vacations.

I’ve now added something new to our family vacations… personal days! Yes, togetherness is a great thing, but you can’t underestimate the value of a little personal time to recharge and regroup. Even when on vacation!

My most recent personal vacation day was a private walking tour through the city of London. As an aspiring photographer I loved this four hour lesson and photo tour around London. I chose The City of London and East London, but choose the areas that appeal most to you. You’ll get private instruction along with a walking tour which includes a nice amount of history. I admit that photography and history might be two things that my family are less than excited about, so this was the perfect choice for a solo adventure. ...... (follow the instructions below for accessing the rest of this article).
How it works: The full article is featured in the app "GPSmyCity: Walks in 1K+ Cities" on Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Download the app to your mobile device to read the article offline and create a self-guided walking tour to visit the sights featured in this article. The app's navigation functions guide you from one sight to the next. The app works offline, so no data plan is needed when traveling abroad.

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Sights Featured in This Article

Guide Name: Photo Tour the City of London
Guide Location: England » London
Guide Type: Self-guided Walking Tour (Article (B))
Author: Hilary Gudgel
Read it on Author's Website:
Sight(s) Featured in This Guide:
  • Bengal Court
  • Ruins of St. Dunstan-in-the-East
  • Plantation Lane
  • Leadenhall Market
  • The Lloyd’s Building
  • Jamaica Coffee House
  • St. Michaels Cornhill Parish Church
  • The Cornhill Devils
  • Christ Church Spitalfields
  • Brick Lane
  • Royal Exchange

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